Monon Color by M&D

Console Name: Monon Color
Original Name: 梦龙彩色掌机
Release Date: October 2014
Original Price: 100 RMB
Country of Origin: China
Publisher: M&D
Display: 320x240 TFT 2.4"

Very little known on this console. The console is made by M&D, a toy company known to produce various toys, including handheld games. The first successful handheld line produced by M&D, called the Dream Dragon, was based on the popular Chinese franchise Roco Kingdom.  The handheld introduces features of physical trading card and badges that could be used in games. The cards and badges were sold in booster pack and had different effect on the game. M&D continued to release different handheld based on this concept, but it’s not until the release of the Monon color that the handheld would have interchangeable cartridges.

The Monon Color was well received and manage to spawn various licensed games such as Roco Kingdom, Marvel and Dragon Ball. Some games, through special cartridges, support the usage of cards and badges, and trading packs were sold to this end. The cards were specific to one game, but in some instance, could work with other M&D handhelds such as the Dream Dragon.

A second model of the console was released with a rechargeable battery instead of 3 AA batteries.

Console Variation
There are 4 known colors. The consoles were also distributed in various formats : boxes with or without games and blister pack.

Blue Red White Silver/Gold



There are 20 known games. Each game was retailing for around 30 RMB. The first waves of games  (101-106 & 201), were all released in cardboard with a black cartridge. Zombie Hunter (107) was the first game to be released as a blister pack, but it’s the only game with a blister pack to use a black cartridge. All other games in blister back have a white cartridge. Eventually, all games  in boxes were re-released in the blister pack format.


101 – 赛尔号战神斗魂卡
Purcell God of War
102 -洛克王国魔法阵卡
Locke Kingdom Magic Array
103 – 机甲旋风格斗大
Mech spin style master
104 -神
105 – 赛尔号能源大作
Xaar Energy Combat Card
106 – 英雄反击
Hero Counterattack
107 – 僵尸猎人
Zombie Hunter
108 – 雅思塔大冒险
IELTS Adventure
109 – 眼力连连看
Locke Kingdom Adventure
Locke Kingdom – Ice Blue
203 – 卡其色 黑之炎洛克
Khaki black inflammation
204 – 藕色 洛克卡牌战纪
Twilight Rock Card Battle
205- 酒红色 铠甲大乱斗
Red Armor
206 – 王者徽章
King Badge
109 – 眼力连连看
301 – 逻辑拼一拼
Logic Fight
302 – 黑色 喜羊羊灰太狼
Black, Happy Goat, Grey Wolf
303 – 七龙珠武道大会
Dragon Ball: Budo Conference
304 – 玫红色 英雄联盟
Rose Red League of Legends
Olympia Lab


Technical Specification

  • Dimension: 130x81x33mm
  • Resolution 320×240 TFT 2.4″
  • CPU : 100MHz
  • RAM : 15K
  • Infrared Communication
  • Internal speaker + earphone jack
  • 3 AA batteries or rechargeable battery

If you have any other information on this device, don’t hesitate to Contact Us.



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