PasoGo by Koei

Console Name: PasoGo
Original Name: / パソ碁
Release Date: 1996
Original Price: ¥39,800
Country of Origin: Japan
Manufacturer: Koei
Number of Games Cartridges: 11
Display: 5.6" LCD screen

The PasoGo (/ パソ碁) is a monochrome handheld game console produced by Koei and released in 1996. The word “PasoGo” is a result of the contraction of Pasocon, a Japanese shortening of “Personal Computer” and “Go”. The console is dedicated to the game “Go”.

The system was doomed from the start. With a high price point of ¥39,800, this handheld was about four times the cost of the Game Boy Pocket who was also released in 1996. Since the game of Go was already available on a number of video game system, there was no real need for a causal Go player to acquire this device. Granted that the games on other systems were not as comprehensive as the PasoGo games, this system had no purpose other than for a few Go enthusiasts. And even then, the technology of the time was not good enough to mimic an expert Go player, so the device quickly become useless for the professional.

Aside from this inherent flaw, the system also had a large LCD screen (5.6″) which sadly had too little contrast to be usable anywhere but under direct light.

A total of eleven games is confirmed to exist, but it is possible that others may exist.




KS-1001 – 対局くん 1
Game Opponent 1 (¥9,800)
KS-1002 -楽しい詰碁・第1巻
Fun Go · Volume 1 (¥7,800)
KS-1003 -楽しい詰碁・第2巻
Fun Go · Volume 2 (¥7,800)
KS-1004 -囲碁名局集 第1巻
Go Name Bureau Collection · Volume 1 (¥5,800)
KS-1005 – 94年度三大タイトル挑戦手合集
Collection of three major titles in 1994
KS-1006 – 歴代棋聖戦 名局集
Chika Chosun Shakuin Bureau Collection
KS-1007 – 棋界覇王伝・古典編
Kikai Haouden Classic Edition
KS-1008 – 棋界覇王伝・現代編
Kikai Haouden, Modern Edition
KS-1009 -電子碁盤
Electronic Grid
KS-1010 – 強くなる手筋・第1巻
Stronger Hands · Volume 1
KS-1011 – 手談対局
Shudan Taikyoku
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